Gallery & Giving
Non-Profit Organization
How Can YOU help?
Founded in 1958, The Allen School has established a lasting reputation for the treatment of the developmentally disabled. Under the leadership of Monsignor Francis A. Allen, the parish pastor of Our Lady of the Holy Souls, the school opened its doors with an initial enrollment of 12 students. Today, the school serves over 70 children and has a staff of certified specialists in the areas of special education, speech pathology physical and occupational therapy. Children with developmental disabilities from all walks of life are served at The Allen School.
Our services are funded by Medicaid, State contracting, United Way contributions, the Special Nutrition Program and insurance billing. Private contributions also assist in the operation of our school.
As a nonprofit organization, The Allen School must rely on the generous contributions from our supporters to fill in the funding gap between the cost of our programs and the revenue we receive. In 2009, The Allen School more than tripled its size to respond to a need for more classroom space and expanded therapies. As The Allen School continues to grow to respond to these new challenges, so do our needs for new equipment, class supplies and expanded programs.
YOU Can Make a difference!
BE a part of the difference in these children's lives.
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